

Raz Plus for second graders(2年英語で多読)

Raz Plus for second graders(2年英語で多読)

Two times a week the second-grade students use tablets to read Raz Plus.
Raz Plus is a reading app for elementary students created in the United States.
It teaches students how to read phonics, high frequency words, and longer sentences.

This application is good for our students because they can access books according to reading level.
That means students can choose the books they can understand and read them at their own pace.
By doing this, the students can read and enjoy books at a level they are comfortable with.
As the students learn more vocabulary, they can access higher levels and continue learning English in a fun and relaxed way.





この度、「株式会社 ネクストレベル」様が運営されている子供の成長応援サイト『ぽてん』に、本校の記事が掲載されました。 6月に取材を受け、本校の特色をまとめていただいたものです。以下のリンク先からご覧いただけます。
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